Thursday, May 27, 2010

Can't stop laughing.

Bwahahahaha! Oh man. Have you guys heard about Shit My Kids Ruined? It is both hilarious and horrifying all at the same time and is, to quote, the strongest visual birth control on the market today. The mom of this lovely chap said, " (He) Ruined my hopes of a clean home ever again. Went to toss a load of laundry in the machine and came back to hear 'Big trouble….this is BIG TROUBLE'… notice he was trying to clean up the evidence."

I remember, quite vividly actually, when I was a kid and decided to spiff up the couch in our living room. I methodically went through every cushion (and it was a sectional) with a blue pen and drew either a happy or sad face on each corner. I'm not sure why one corner got a happy face and another a sad one, but I do remember there were more happy than sad faces. There was even a tear or two drawn. Needless to say there were tears of my own once Mom found my masterpiece. The worst part was that I had drawn the faces on all corners, and both sides; no hiding my handiwork. Sorry, Mom!

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