Friday, May 21, 2010


I've always loved flowers. One of my favorite moments after a dance recital or play was getting flowers at the end. I'm sure I have my mom to thank for that, and most likely because she has quite a love for flowers, too. Sidenote: My mom carried a bouquet of gardenias at her wedding. So simple and gorgeous.

I feel like I've gone through many stages of favorite flowers: roses, tulips, lilies, gardenias and the list goes on. And now I can add ranunculus. Aren't they amazing?

There is no flower more nostalgic than the lilac. We had lilac bushes lining my backyard in Minnesota when I was kid; I always loved the way they smell and I still do to this day. Now lilacs line one side of the building where I work, and they're currently blooming! I go out of my way to walk by them as much as I possibly can for a reminder of childhood bliss.

And the aforementioned peonies. No story, just pure loveliness.

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