Thursday, September 2, 2010


Now that it's September I'm starting to get quite itchy thinking about Fall. Um, itchy in a good way. Can someone be itchy in a good way? Oh well, now they can. "I'm itchy with excitement!" See? Totally works.

At this very second I'm most looking forward to boots. I want to wear rough boots with tights and floral dresses. Oooh, I can't wait. I think the boots above would fit in quite nicely with my daydream outfit. I kinda wish they came in brown, too; brown boots with black tights is a favorite combo of mine.

Let's make this happen! I want to see some leaves fall, feel a cool breeze, drink warm tea while wrapped in a scarf. Then I can start trimming my bangs again because I've recently, not so recently, let them grow just so they aren't plastered to my forehead in the absurd heat of this summer. I miss the fringe... or do I?

The life-long, eternal question every girl asks herself: to bang, or not to bang? Now that is the question. [We're talking hair here, people. Come on.]


samantha ramage said...

boots, bangs, brown boots and black tights-- that's what fall is made of!!


Taylor said...


Can't wait to wear tights!

Lara said...

It's a little humid today, so my bangs are angled in about seven different directions. Looking forward the promise of a cool forehead that fall brings.

Also, I love these boots, too.

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